Free the Teacher, Create the Dancer
ARBTA Membership is renewed annually by the end of January each year. Members who renew in November or December will receive the discounted ‘early bird’ membership rate. The Full Membership and Registration Form is to be completed once every 2 years. For the years in between, the Interim Membership Form may be completed which is a shorter form and copies of documents are not requested. For Retainer and Friends of ARBTA Memberships, please complete the Interim Membership only. Retainer and Friends of ARBTA Memberships are for ARBTA members who are not currently teaching. Teachers and Student Teachers must complete the Full Membership and Registration Form in order to become a registered teacher with ARBTA.
Please note, for Full Membership and Registration, ARBTA requires evidence of the
Current DBS (or equivalent) status. Details can be provided on the form below. For international members, please supply your Certificate of Good Conduct or equivalent.
Valid First Aid Certificates - Online courses are not accepted from January 2023 and certification must be from a live course.
CPD Attendance - Online and live events are both accepted. These may be ARBTA events or other recognized events.
Child Protection Course – Online courses are accepted as well as live courses.
If you do not have the stated documentation above or are in the process of completing courses, please state the date of completion and forward the documents when received. When applying for an examination session, teacher’s membership and registration with ARBTA must be up to date (This includes teachers applying for the examination session as well as those who will be teaching during the proposed session). Centre's where examinations are to take place, will have to complete the Centre Approval Form (please find this under ‘Examinations’).
Please note, members who join ARBTA after September 2023 or with lapsed membership, will have to fulfil additional requirement for GQAL. Current members and those renewing their membership for 2023 will not have to fulfil the additional requirements.
Which Membership?
Full Membership: (Associate/Affiliated/Fellow)
Full Membership: (for those in full time education)
*Early Bird Membership
These memberships are for all teachers entering students into examinations and receive the full benefits of ARBTA Membership. This includes subsidized mentoring/professional development, discounts on ARBTA syllabi, examinations, automatic membership of the BDQT, registration with GQAL (providing all relevant documents have been completed) free and subsidized seminars, training courses and workshops. ARBTA Student Membership: Student Membership is for ARBTA students who are in full time education or are studying for their ARBTA Teaching Qualification (Associate Certificate Level only). Benefits for student members include subsidized mentoring/professional development, discounts on ARBTA syllabi, examinations, free and subsidized seminars, training courses and workshops.
Retainer Membership:
Friends of ARBTA Membership:
Friends and Retainer Memberships are for ARBTA members who are currently not teaching the
ARBTA syllabus. Benefits include discounts on seminars, training courses and ARBTA syllabi.