Building foundations for the future
ARBTA is here to support members in any way they can. As part of this promise, ARBTA offers a number of training sessions and seminars throughout the year. For members, these events are either free or heavily subsidized. Students of member schools also receive discounted rates for workshops and events.
Please note, as a member of ARBTA, you are required to attend at least 2 CPD sessions a year. Members who attend on the day will receive a CPD certificate. In order for all ARBTA members to access the CPD events (such as seminars, workshops and training), ARBTA holds online sessions between October and December, as well as between February and April each year. There are also additional live events throughout the year. All members will receive emails when these events are available. Members may also request a private CPD or mentoring session. This session is an hour long and costs £40 per an hour (£75 per an hour for non-members). Members will receive a CPD certificate upon completion and can request for the session to be at any level or in any genre they feel they would like to develop. If you would like a private CPD or mentoring session, please complete the Private CPD Session Form below and email to
Members may also email with any questions they may have about programmes of study. ARBTA is here to support you at every step.
The Annual General Meeting is also held in March where all members should attend. This is an important event where members can be actively involved such as electing the Management Committee (every 3 years), offering feedback and suggesting future initiatives. ARBTA prides itself on listening to members and implementing decisions made by members. The Management Committee is made up of ARBTA members who are voted in by members. All decisions from operational management to the future of ARBTA are made by the Management Committee acting purely as representatives of all ARBTA members in this voluntary role. This collaborative relationship with members enhances ARBTA’s extensive and varied platform, enabling ARBTA to evolve with industry demands.